AD MA stopped-server error
When I run AD MA Export, I get stopped-server error.
There are few errors in the event viewer:
1. Application Error
Faulting application name: miiserver.exe, version: 4.0.2592.0, time stamp: 0x4b6790ea
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17514, time stamp: 0x4ce7c78c
Exception code: 0xe0434f4d ...
2. FIMSynchronizationService
The extensible extension returned an unsupported error.
The stack trace is:
"Microsoft.MetadirectoryServices.ExtensionException: Thread was being aborted.
at Exch2010Extension.Exch2010ExtensionClass.BeginExportToCd(String connectTo, String domain, String server, String user, String password)
Forefront Identity Manager 4.0.2592.0"
3. FIMSynchronizationService
The description for Event ID 0 from source FIMSynchronizationService cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
There is an error in Exch2010Extension BeginExportToCd() function.Type: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException
Message: Thread was being aborted. ...
Have anyone experienced this error?
May 16th, 2011 6:32pm