Astericks for Report Paramater
I have a report that I need to execute based on a single customer number, several, or all. There are too many for a drop-down list. How can I set it up so that the user can enter a single number, multiple comma separated numbers, or have it run for ALL customers (as default)? I tried having a default value of *, and had my SQL condition set as "and ixCustomer in (@Customer)" but the customer# field is an int so that would not work. Suggestions? -Pat
October 21st, 2010 9:01pm

hello, using a multivalue parameter, but just dont populate the available options may be the most sensible solution. Then the user can manually add customer numbers inside the parameter without worrying about commas. To default all customers selected you can use a control character and set that as the only default value of your customer parameter. (using a null character ="" along with a control parameter works on the initial run but from what I tested it wont work a second time) Also set the type of the customer number value to String/Text for your customer parameter. So in your query cast your customer field to string when you compare it to the customer parameter or return all if your control character is in the parameter list. So if '*' is the control character: and cast(ixCustomer as varchar(10)) in (@Customer) or '*' in (@Customer)
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October 21st, 2010 10:59pm

Worked great. Thanks!-Pat
November 2nd, 2010 11:09am

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