Auto Resolve Alerts question
I have a question on auto -resolve alerts. I want my alerts to resolve themselves if the error disappears or corrects itself. Such as sometimes we get errors on some aspects, but then after few hours or minutes the error on the aspects goes healthy,
so we want the alert to resolve or disappear instead of saying in the operation console. How can this be done. The questions I have is :
1.On the monitor we have to set the auto resolve alert to enable if we want the alert to disappear once the error is gone. Is this correct
2. We can only auto resolve alerts on monitors not rules, is this correct.
3.Also in administration,settings, general, alerts , there is a setting under automatic alert resolution tab which is Resolve all active alerts when the alert source is healthy. Does this mean when the error on the alerts goes healthy it will resolve
itself (disappear from console) after x number of days. So if I set x to 2 days, all alerts will auto resolve after 2 days,when they go back to healthy. Is this correct. Does this apply to monitors which have auto resolve alert set to disable.
Any advise
November 10th, 2010 6:09am
Yeah you pretty much have a correct understanding.
One thing I would point out is.. you are getting lots of alerts, maybe try modifying the thresholds of the monitors to reduce any noise.
Regards, Robert --------- You can view my blog at:
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November 10th, 2010 6:30am
Auto resolve alerts is only available when whatever brought in the alert is staetfull, and that only applies to monitors. Because a montior can fire an alert, than relaise that the condition has changed it can then auto resolve the alert.
If you try and setup a rule to monitor an event it there is no option in the alert responses to auto resolve
Paul Keely
November 10th, 2010 6:38am
Autoresolution in the administration, grooming settings is also described very well here by Kevin Holman:
With regards to monitors - nearly all of them auto-resolve but there may be some timed and manual reset monitors in some management packs. Monitors work well when there is a specific "healthy" state and a specific "unhealthy" state that can be detected but
auto-resolve falls down when, for example, there is an unhealhy eventid that can be detected but no corresponding healthy eventid to reset the monitor. In that case, you are left with either scripting some sort of monitor based solution, using rules or using
either a timed or manual reset monitor.View OpsMgr tips and tricks at
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November 10th, 2010 2:41pm