Boot from Media and static IP script
I thought I would give back a bit to the community. My current engagement has a client where 2/3 of the computers are not on DHCP, and probably won't be anytime soon. There is a feature deficiency in the SCCM boot from media function, it lets you set the IP address in the initial WinPE startup, but that address isn't communicated to Windows. Windows comes up expecting to find DHCP. Hint, hint here anyone from the product group, this should be added to the Apply Network Settings task :) This script needs to be put in the task sequence right before the Apply Network Settings task sequence step. The script will check to see if the variables were already set in Windows (which works correctly). If not (only happens when you are doing a new install) it will read the entries from WinPE and write them to the TS variables needed by Apply Network Settings. There is a limitation to the scipt that it can only put in as much as can be entered by WinPE. So things like multiple DNS servers for example can't be entered into PE, so they can't be transfered to Windows. Set objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") WQL = "Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled = TRUE" Set colNetAdapters = objWMIService.ExecQuery (WQL) WScript.Echo "Number of adapters is " & colNetAdapters.Count set objSCCM = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment") if objSCCM("OSDAdapter0IPAddressList") = "" then For Each objNetAdapter In colNetAdapters if objNetAdapter.DHCPEnabled then WScript.Echo "DHCP Enabled" else WScript.Echo "DHCP Disabled" objSCCM("OSDAdapter0EnableDHCP") = false if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.IPAddress) then strIPAddress = objNetAdapter.IPAddress(0) WScript.Echo "IP Address: " & strIPAddress objSCCM("OSDAdapter0IPAddressList") = strIPAddress end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.IPSubnet) then strIPSubnet = objNetAdapter.IPSubnet(0) WScript.Echo "IP Subnet: " & strIPSubnet objSCCM("OSDAdapter0SubnetMask") = strIPSubnet end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway) then strIPGateway = objNetAdapter.DefaultIPGateway(0) WScript.Echo "IP Gateway: " & strIPGateway objSCCM("OSDAdapter0Gateways") = strIPGateway end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.DNSServerSearchOrder) then strDNSServerSearchOrder = objNetAdapter.DNSServerSearchOrder(0) WScript.Echo "DNS Server: " & strDNSServerSearchOrder objSCCM("OSDAdapter0DNSServerList") = strDNSServerSearchOrder end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.MACAddress) then strMACAddress = objNetAdapter.MACAddress(0) WScript.Echo "MAC Address: " & strMACAddress end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder) then strDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = objNetAdapter.DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder(0) WScript.Echo "DNS DOMAIN: " & strDNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder end if if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.WINSPrimaryServer) then strWins = objNetAdapter.WINSPrimaryServer objSCCM("OSDAdapter0EnableWINS") = true if Not IsNull (objNetAdapter.WINSSecondaryServer) then strWins = strWins & "," & objNetAdapter.WINSSecondaryServer end if WSCript.Echo "WINS Server: " & strWins objSCCM("OSDAdapter0WINSServerList") = strWins else objSCCM("OSDAdapter0EnableWINS") = false end if objSCCM("OSDAdapterCount") = 1 end if Next End IfBob
May 26th, 2011 8:58am

MDT 2010 has the option to set static IP in Winpe
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May 26th, 2011 1:42pm

That's true but we aren't using MDT. The customer I'm at couldn't begin to support MDT after we left. Besides there is very little in MDT that we need, SCCM provides just about everything we need. Bob
May 26th, 2011 1:58pm

That's true but we aren't using MDT. The customer I'm at couldn't begin to support MDT after we left. Besides there is very little in MDT that we need, SCCM provides just about everything we need. Bob
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 26th, 2011 1:58pm

MDT 2010 has the option to set static IP in Winpe
May 26th, 2011 6:31pm

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