Changing package path vs advertisement behavior

Hello, I have an advertisement that is set to "Always rerun". If I move the source files and change the source location in the package, will the advertisement will see this as a change and will rerun ?

I tried with one package/advertisement and it didn't seem to rerun but I was pretty sure it would...Sometimes, SCCM is kinda slow so before starting the 49 other and they all start after... I wanted to confirm if wether or not the advertisement will run again (if set to "Always rerun") if I change the package source location!

Thanks in advance.

January 8th, 2014 11:54pm

If I remember that was the case in SMS 2003. It hasn't been since then though. It will however initiate full send of the package to all DP's and child sites.

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January 9th, 2014 3:32am

No it won't. The advert is enforced by the client which has no knowledge of the package's attributes or when they change.
January 9th, 2014 4:26am

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