Chart display issue with Moving Average Calculated Series
I have successfully produced a line graph containing 2 data series; a count of events by month and a moving average (5 month period) of said events.
My problem is trying to limit the chart to show ONLY a certain period of time. In order to generate the Moving Average (calculated series) I had to make the query go further back in time to count the previous months' events.
For Example: Chart should display Jan2010 through Oct2010, EventsPerMonth (series1), MovingAVG (series2).
At first it displayed back to the begining of the data which was Sept2009 - Oct2010. I figured out how to cut it off at Jan2010 using the Horizontal Axis Properties > Scalar features.
Final issue: I need to get the first data point (Jan2010) off of the Y-axis as a starting point. Basically I need to shift it one interval to right, leaving a space, so that
there is no line connected between the data line and the Y-axis.
This is difficult to discribe, I apologize if this isn't super clear.
Thank you!
October 27th, 2010 1:46pm
Hi HyginsSQL,
If I understand you correctly, you might want to divide the line to different parts depending on the different years.
Actually, all the points on the Y-Axis will be treated as one series, so all the points will be connected together, this is be design. To work around the issue, you could add another point between former year’s end point and later year’s beginning
point, then set line’s value utilizing the expression such like this: =IIF(Fields!Month.vlaue=13,nothing, Fields!MonthName.vaule)
Then there will be nothing on the adjacent point between years.
Challen Fu
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 1st, 2010 2:34am
Hi HyginsSQL,
If I understand you correctly, you might want to divide the line to different parts depending on the different years.
Actually, all the points on the Y-Axis will be treated as one series, so all the points will be connected together, this is by design. To work around the issue, you could add another point between former year’s end point and later year’s beginning
point, then set line’s value utilizing the expression such like this: =IIF(Fields!Month.vlaue=13,nothing, Fields!MonthName.vaule)
Then there will be nothing on the adjacent point between years.
Challen Fu
November 1st, 2010 9:27am
Thank you for your reply!
I came up with something similar but different. I changed the graph to a Bar Chart created expressions that would see the bars to "No Color" or "Transparent" if certain date conditions are met.
I initially tried this with a line graph but that made the entire line disappear.
I will keep your suggestion in mind and try that the next time around as this will come up again (every month).
Thank you!
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 3rd, 2010 9:50am