Cleaning up multival (delimited) string with unwanted characters in core search results xslt


Does anyone have a well functioning XML template for cleaning up a delimited string with a lot of unwanted characters? I am using a Sparqube lookup field that returns the following value example for it's crawled property. I need to print this out in my core search results XSLT. The XML looks like this:

<customProperty>__bk8100630003000300330043005300;#600345 Lokk 970g SUSI spann (ST);#__bk8100630003000300430063004300;#600464 UT Eti COOP Crab.salat 200 g lokk (ST);#__bk8100630003000300830053000300;#600850 UT? Omslag Delfia 250g (ST);#</customProperty>

I would like it to display like this: 600345 Lokk 970g SUSI spann (ST), 600464 UT Eti COOP Crab.salat 200 g lokk (ST), 600850 UT? Omslag Delfia 250g (ST)

(Of course this is an example - the values will be different for each item in the search results. The template will have to handle other values in the same format. Each value always starts with '__something;#' ahead of what I want to display, and the last value ends with ';#')



January 27th, 2014 4:32am

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