Is it possible to automatically create an Office 365 acount when creating a new Member on an Orchard website? The intention would be that f.e. I create a member with email address test.user@testmail.test on the Orchard site and then trim everything in front of the '@' and use that as the first part of test.user@testdomain.onmicrosoft.com to create an account on the Office 365 domain.
That way, no double work should be done by the administrators.
Also, when clicking a Sharepoint link on the Orchard website, the user should be automatically logged in on Office 365 as well (after he's logged in on the regular Orchard website). So to say, a sort of transition of login (sessionID) making sure the member doesn't have to login twice every time he/she visits the website and clicks one of the Sharepoint links.