Thangaraj.... Almost everthing would be effected from Hardware and software inventory, Reporting, Software Update and Package distribution, policy download, state messages..etc... any feature which has any relation to following namespaces would be effected
- root\ccm
- root\CCM\ContentTransferManager
- root\CCM\DataTransferService
- root\CCM\Events
- root\CCM\invagt
- root\CCM\LocationServices
- root\CCM\Messaging
- root\CCM\PeerDPAgent
- root\CCM\Policy
- root\CCM\ScanAgent
- root\CCM\Scheduler
- root\CCM\SmsNapAgent
- root\CCM\SoftMgmtAgent
- root\CCM\SoftwareMeteringAgent
- root\CCM\SoftwareUpdates
- root\CCM\StateMsg
- root\CCM\VulnerabilityAssessment
- root\CCM\XmlStore
- root\cimv2\sms
- root\SmsDm
- root\sms
- root\sms\inv_schema
- root\sms\site_<sitecode>
SCCM for almost all purposes use WMI and WMI is dependant on DCOM.