Error: Task cannot execute in 64-bit...pre-compile script
SQL Server 2005 on Windeows Server 2008R2.
In my SSIS program I have an trap that rebuilds the database from a snapshot on error.
After upgrading to 64bit OS I get the following error:
Error: 0x9 at Stub: The task cannot execute in 64-bit environment because the script is not pre-compiled. Please turn on the option to pre-compile the script in the task editor.
If I turn on "pre-compile" on the script, the script task generates the error:
"The task is configured to pre-compile the script but binary code is not found."
How can I run this program?
May 31st, 2011 8:46am
Follow the following steps to change package to run out of 64 bit mode.
1) Right Click on SSIS Project Properties
2) Click on Debuging in Configuration Properties.
3) Set Run64BitRuntime Property to False.
Failure in Life is failure to try...MCTS (SQL Server 2005)
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May 31st, 2011 8:58am
also please check this thread
May 31st, 2011 9:06am