Export Hidden fields to Excel
I have a report that has 10 columns. While viewing, users should see only 8 columns and 2 will be hidden. But is there any way we can export those 2 hidden columns to excel? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks,
May 14th, 2008 8:04pm

hi i guess its because of if you have written-text in Textbox in header where it ends that counts a column in Exporting data in Excel. if you just exactly end that textbox to starting point with another column will remove a hidden excel column or removing a textbox form header will resolve a problem.
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May 15th, 2008 11:28am

I have a report that has 10 columns. While viewing, users should see only 8 columns and 2 will be hidden. But is there any way we can export those 2 hidden columns to excel? So, Is there a real answer to this question? I want to do the exact same thing. I'm looking at the Column Visibility dialog box, thinking that the "Show or hide based on an expression" textbox would be a good place to change toggle show/hide for export/printing. Is this close? Is there an expression that would work or this there some other way to exprot the hidden columns?HomeCookN
June 8th, 2011 11:01am

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