FIM-CM SiteLock Syntax Clarification
What syntax should be used when setting the SiteLock site values under the
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Clm\v1.0\SmartCardClient key? The documentation for "Registry
Keys and Configuration File Settings in FIM 2010" specify "Do not include a prefix in the address, for example, http://.", but the documentation for "Introduction
to FIM CM Smart Cards" advise including the http:// prefix.
November 10th, 2010 1:01pm
Please do not include a prefix in the address. For example, if the portal is located at
http://contoso/certificatemanagement, the value of "SiteLock" should be "contoso".
I will get the FIM CM introductory documentation corrected. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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November 10th, 2010 2:23pm
I did not have the Prefix in and I could not reset the password for FIM using the Client but when I put the http:// it started to work........
January 28th, 2011 3:39pm