How to add Row total in Matrix
Hello, I do have a data in the Matrix control (Matrix),like in the below (Sample data) Block1 Block2 TOTAL Month A B C A B C A B C 201001 10 10 22 40 23 18 50 33 40 201002 20 12 12 20 12 12 40 24 24 201003 30 11 13 40 23 18 70 34 31 201004 40 23 18 30 11 13 70 34 31 By using above Matrix, there is a column named as TOTAL, under this column, there is 3 sub columns A, B, C, these columns has ROW total, for example, Under "Block1", there is A, B, C sub columns are there and "Block2", there is A, B, C sub columns are there, by adding these rows we are getting the TOTAL column data.( you can have a look at First rows of Block 1 and Block2, there is underline data, and Italic font is there, and you can see the Total of these data under the TOTAl column). TOTAL column is not coming from the Database. I need to add the TOTAL as we adding in the TOTAL column. Please let me know if you need more information. Kindly help me guys, thanks. Kind Regards.
May 10th, 2011 2:58pm

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