InCommon Federation Authentication and SharePoint?
Possible? Any good guides? At a high level what's needed?
How does it work? Can it be done without altering our AD or AD trust setup?
Can SharePoint be configured to pull user profiles directly from Incommon Federation Partners through a new connection?
Not clear on how web Site Web Ap auth providers would work or be set? Would it have multiple authorization providers? Would we see and find user profiles for that Incommon Fed in SharePoint? What if the site is configured for Windows Authentication?
Would those users be prompted for security? what would they enter.
May 13th, 2011 10:47am
Thanks to share your post.
For the issue, please refer to this article, this would give you a description of the InCommon Federation:
Hope this could help you!
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May 17th, 2011 6:48am