Infopath radio button always defaults


I have created a task (Nintex) but I dont think it matters if it was SPD. I edit the task form and Infopath opens. The task form displays two radio buttons (approve and reject) and two buttons (complete task amd cancel).  I make a few changes to the form and leave the two radio buttons as is.

For some reason the reject radio is always defaulted. How can I remove the default selection so the user has to make a selection?

I've checked the default values in infopath and both radio buttons have no default value.


July 25th, 2013 4:24am


Take one new field of type text and bind that field with the radio buttons. keep default value of this field blank. 

on the new field change set your original field which is currently connected with radio button.

This is small trick, hope this will work for you.

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July 25th, 2013 4:38am

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