Linked Mailbox Provision
How could I provision linked mailbox?
I have the account in the account domain, I have to create the disabled account in resource domain, the mailbox and linked it with the account in the account domain.
I can provision the account and the mailbox with FIM 2010, but how can I link the new mailbox with the account in the account domain?
(preferebly without programming)
ThanksJuanCC Technology Specialist
May 8th, 2011 11:17pm
You can provision this using codeless provisioning but there are some extra steps necessary in order to be able to use these mailboxes. You could provision linked mailboxes using classic-style provisioning routine, there is linke for this
If you use the classic provisioning method, the mailboxes created should work as expected after export.
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May 8th, 2011 11:41pm