1.What is Managed Account?
2.What is the use of Managed Accounts?
3.How to create Managed Accounts?
4.Managed Accounts and Service Account is Same?
Technology Tips and News
1.What is Managed Account?
2.What is the use of Managed Accounts?
3.How to create Managed Accounts?
4.Managed Accounts and Service Account is Same?
1. It is an account that SharePoint manages for you, setting passwords automatically as needed
2. They are used for SharePoint services to reduce the administrative overhead. In environments where you have regular password changes it can be very difficult changing them all. By managing that through SharePoint Microsoft have allowed us to let them worry about making sure all service accounts are using the right passwords.
3. Either through the GUI on CA > Securtiy > Configure Managed accounts or through PowerShell
4. Sometimes, there are some service accounts that cannot be managed accounts. Check before using.
More information
What's the best form for multiple farms in one domain?
Customer has Farm1 and Farm2 both in Contoso.com. Has created service accounts for:
Using the same service accounts on appropriate roles in Farm1 as in Farm2, and would like to let SP manage the passwords - how is the best way to do it without contention?
If you use the same accounts on multiple farms you must not allow either to update the passwords. Managed accounts work when SharePoint is clever enough to know where to update the passwords internally, it doesn't work for the search service account for example (from memory). If you use that account in another farm then when Farm A changes it Farm B will still be chugging along with the old one and will go down shortly afterwards.
1: NO
2: Even worse
3: Yeah that'll work
4: Yeah that'll work