Moving all databases to a new server.
I'm in the process of moving all the databases (content, config, ssp) for MOSS to a new server. The current server is running SQL Server 2005 and Windows Server 2003. The new server is running SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008. I've read the documentation from Microsoft on how to do this but the two upgrade paths they offer don't apply in my situation. The upgrade paths they offer are: Path 1: To move all databases to a database server that has a different name, use the Move all databases to a different database server procedure. The new database server must use the same version of Windows Server and SQL Server as the old database server. Path 2: To move all databases to an identically named or upgraded database server, use the Move all databases to a database server that has the same name procedure. What I think I need is steps on how to move to a server that has a different name, different version of Windows Server, and a different version of SQL Server. Does anyone know if this kind of upgrade is possible? If so, any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
May 3rd, 2011 9:12am

Davis, As mentioned in the technet article, since you are moving to a completely new farm with new data, you will have follw the Path 1. Before migrating to the new farm, you need to make sure that new server farm has the same SharePoint version installed along with service packs. Once you have your service packs installed on the new farm, backup all the content databases as described in the technet article on the source server farm (2005 sql server and 2003 windows server). You can use the backup files to restore on the new farm. You could also upgrade sql server version from 2005 to 2008, but I guess that should not matter. If the restoration process takes longer than expected. There is hotfix available for it. I had used it earlier. Once you have all the web application created on the new server and restored the content databases, you will have two farms running. Shut down the old farm. Having a different server name does not matter in this case as you are only doing a restore of the databases. Does this help? V
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May 3rd, 2011 3:31pm

> Having a different server name does not matter in this case as you are only doing a restore of the databases. This is the key point with Option 1. It's odd how the descriptions of these two methods confuse people so much that they think that as well as the same version of the software the server needs to have the same name (in Method 1). We've recently had another thread on exactly the same issue - also caused by the same confusion. Anyway v284 is quite correct and I urge you to follow his suggestion (and then mark his post as the answer when you have succeeded) Moderator SP 2010 "FAQ" (mainly useful links): WSS3/MOSS FAQ (FAQ and Links) Both also have links to extensive book lists and to (free) on-line chapters
May 3rd, 2011 3:46pm

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