Outlook Integration in SharePoint

Hello all,

i have a question for you. please help some one , Thanks in Advance

i have to integrate outlook to share point 2013 my site  here are points

      1. every mail that comes in out look should come in SharePoint my site

       2. every task in that created in out look can be seen in my site.

        3. similarly every item added in calendar , meeting can be seen from my site.

please can you people suggest how i can achieve it at list some link , suggestions

Please help i appriciate your help.

January 17th, 2014 3:34pm

For items 2 and 3, you can use the work management service to collect all the tasks and show on the "Tasks" page of the my site for each user.  However, each user must "opt-in" to the outlook\exchange sync part.

It terms of task 1, that one is more difficult.  When you say every mail in outlook should show in my site, is that the user's email based in exchange or some specific mailbox in exchange, or does it mean that you want some SMTP\POP mailbox items shown?  No matter what, you will have to create some type of web part that queries the target system to display the items.  Exchange has a web service that allows you to do this:


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January 18th, 2014 12:24pm

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