Patterns for scripted MA execution
Is there aguaranteed safe pattern for execution of managment agents for all situations?If you are editing policies/rules etc. do you have to keep normal users off of the ILM portal and disable any scripted MA execution and run them yourself in a change dependent order?What are people doing or reccomending for this?
June 23rd, 2009 7:57am
It depends.. If you are modifying the sync engine (attribute flows, MAs, etc), then you have to stop any running MAs ala ILM 2007.If you are modifying sync rules in the portal or sets/MPRs not related to the Built-in synchronization account (ILM MA) you should be OK. The sync rule will update the Sync engine configuration when you export it. I'm not sure how it will bahave if you have multiple MAs running syncs in the Sync Engine when you get a new Sync Rule for one of the running MAs. My guess is that it will apply after the MA is done running.As far as exporting to the ILM/FIM Servica during an export, I would say it depends on the nature of the changes you are making but I would probably recommend that you pause the export since you wouldn't know when an MPR or change might kick in. As always be aware of "Run on Policy Updates" as they could re-execute some things that you may not want executed like Notifications, etc.Are your concerns performance or of having a problem due to changing Sync rules/MPRs in the middle of something?Eric
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July 23rd, 2009 11:11pm