Combing through the server for logs that will enlighten us. Heres the first log I have found so far:
client.msi.log 12/26/13
1. Makes sure there are no desktop client installations in progress and prevents any new instance of intallation.
2. Checks the desktop client version and gets the installation direcotry.
3. Stops remote control and other desktop components.
4. Kills the following client processes - clisvc1.exe, pea32.exe, smsapm32.exe, smsmon32.exe and sms_reen.exe.
5. Saves information needed for migration and uninstalls the desktop components followed by clean up.
Property(S): SmsCleanupDesktopMigrationInfo_ActionText = Deletes backed up information on the disk.
Property(S): SmsConfigureFBWFInit_ActionText = Builds a list of exceptions and calls SmsConfigureFBWF.
Property(S): SmsConfigureFBWF_ActionText = Loads fbwfdll.dll and adds file exceptions and registry exceptions
Property(S): SmsDetectWindowsEmbeddedFBWF_ActionText = On Windows embedded platform, detect if the system volume FBWF is disabled.
Property(S): SmsDetectDowngrade_Message = A newer version of the Configuration Manager Client is already installed
Property(S): SmsDetectColocationDowngrade_Message = A newer version of the SMS Management Point is installed. Cannot continue installing this version of the client.
Property(S): SmsDetectColocationDowngrade_ActionText = Detect if a newer version of the ConfigMgr Management Point is installed before installing the Configuration Manager Client.
Property(S): SmsDetectUpgrade_Message = An older version of the ConfigMgr Management Point is installed. Please upgrade the Management Point before attempting to upgrade the client.
Property(S): SmsManagementPointName = Configuration Manager Client
Property(S): ButtonText_Next = &Next >
Property(S): ButtonText_Back = < &Back
Property(S): ButtonText_Cancel = &Cancel
Property(S): ButtonText_Finish = &Finish
Property(S): ButtonText_Install = &Install
Property(S): ButtonText_Close = &Close
Property(S): ButtonText_OK = &OK
Property(S): ButtonText_Abort = &Abort
Property(S): ButtonText_Ignore = &Ignore
Property(S): ButtonText_No = &No
Property(S): ButtonText_Yes = &Yes
Property(S): ButtonText_Retry = &Retry
Property(S): ButtonText_Exit = &Exit
Property(S): FilesInUse_Info = Setup has detected that it needs to update some files that are currently in use by other processes.
To prevent having to reboot the machine, please close the following applications:
Property(S): DefaultUIFont = DefaultDlgFont
Property(S): DialogBox_Title = Configuration Manager Client Setup
Property(S): WelcomeDialog_Info = This will install the ConfigMgr Advanced Client.
Property(S): WelcomeDialog_DesktopWarning = WARNING: A previous version of the ConfigMgr client agent is already installed on this computer. Continuing will cause the previous version of the ConfigMgr client agent to be removed.
Property(S): WelcomeDialog_EULA = The software you are about to install is provided as part of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager and as such, is subject to the End User License Agreement already accepted by your system administrator. Contact your
system administrator for additional information.
Property(S): ConfigDialog_Title = Configuration
Property(S): ConfigDialog_SubTitle = Select installation options
Property(S): ConfigDialog_Info = Enter configuration options for the Configuration Manager Client.
Property(S): ConfigDialog_SiteCode = SMS Site:
Property(S): ConfigDialog_InvalidSiteCode = The site code you have entered is not valid
Property(S): InstallDialog_Title = Install
Property(S): InstallDialog_SubTitle = The product is now ready to install
Property(S): InstallDialog_Info = Click Next to proceed.
Property(S): InstallDialog_Warning = WARNING: Installing the advanced client on this computer may cause the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) services to stop and restart.
Property(S): ProgressDialog_Title = Please Wait
Property(S): ProgressDialog_SubTitle = Setup is configuring your system.
Property(S): CompleteDialog_Title = Setup Complete
Property(S): CompleteDialog_SubTitle = Setup has finished updating your system.
Property(S): CompleteDialog_Info = The Configuration Manager Client setup was successful.
Property(S): UserExitDialog_Title = Setup Aborted
Property(S): UserExitDialog_SubTitle = Setup was cancelled
Property(S): UserExitDialog_Info = The Configuration Manager Client setup was cancelled.
Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_Title = Setup Aborted
Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_SubTitle = Setup failed
Property(S): InstallErrorDialog_Info = Setup encountered an error and could not continue.
Property(S): UATData.9180931B_6ABA_475F_8007_1211E0D725BA = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\UATData\
Property(S): CcmDefaultPolicyAuthority = SMS:Client:Default:{D6804B3A-BFEC-4AB4-BFA5-FD9BECC80630}
Property(S): D9F8C395_CAB8_491d_B8AC_179A1FE1BE77.9180931B_6ABA_475F_8007_1211E0D725BA = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\UATData\D9F8C395-CAB8-491d-B8AC-179A1FE1BE77\
Property(S): SystemFolder = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Property(S): CcmInstallUtil = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\
Property(S): SmsMigrateInventory = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\idmifs
C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\noidmifs
Property(S): SmsMigrateInventoryInit_ActionText = Custom action to schedule the deferred execution of SmsMigrateInventory.
Property(S): SmsMigrateInventory_ActionText = Migrating SMS Legacy Client inventory settings
Property(S): CcmInstallUtil_ActionText = Calling InstallUtil.exe to register .net WMI provider
Property(S): CcmInstallUtilInit_ActionText = Initializing InstallUtil.exe to register .net WMI provider
Property(S): CcmInstallUtilRollback_ActionText = Rollback InstallUtil.exe action
Property(S): CcmDeInstallUtilInit_ActionText = Calling InstallUtil.exe to uninstall .net WMI provider
Property(S): Assembly.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Assembly\
Property(S): Inventory.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\
Property(S): Temp.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\Temp\
Property(S): FileColl.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\Temp\FileColl\
Property(S): idmifs.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\idmifs\
Property(S): badIDMifs.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\idmifs\badmifs\
Property(S): noidmifs.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\noidmifs\
Property(S): badNoIDMifs.BB910E4A_558A_418B_B3A0_1BACF5F45DDC = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Inventory\noidmifs\badmifs\
Property(S): Metering.A3E6C678_CFA0_4AD2_BA27_3422ED1462DB = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Metering\
Property(S): Temp.A3E6C678_CFA0_4AD2_BA27_3422ED1462DB = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\Metering\Temp\
Property(S): SmsInstallPrepDrvr = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\prepdrv.inf
Property(S): SmsInstallPrepDrvrInit_ActionText = Custom action to schedule the deferred execution of SmsInstallPrepDriver.
Property(S): SmsInstallPrepDrvr_ActionText = Installing Software Metering PREP Driver
Property(S): SmsUninstallPrepDrvr_ActionText = Uninstalling Software Metering PREP Driver
Property(S): SmsSwDistSetCacheConfig = C:\Windows\ccmcache
Property(S): SmsSwDistSetCacheDir_ActionText = This custom action determines if there is an existing cache directory available or not. If not, it creates one and configures it to be used by MSI.
Property(S): SmsSwDistCacheConfigInit_ActionText = This custom action gets the cache directory and its properties. It creates context and invokes 'SmsSwDistSetCacheConfig' custom action.
Property(S): SmsSwDistSetCacheConfig_ActionText = This custom action gets the cache configuration, disables the cache options in control panel if required by the site settings and updates the registry keys accordingly. It also configures the security for the
cache directory.
Property(S): SmsSwDistCacheDirDelete_ActionText = This custom action deletes the cache directories.
Property(S): SmsMigrateDownloadSchemaInit_ActionText = This custom action starts 'SmsMigrateDownloadSchema' action.
Property(S): SmsMigrateDownloadSchema_ActionText = This custom action migrates the schema for Execution Manager and CAS.
Property(S): SmsRemoveUIEvents_ActionText = This custom action is no longer used. The custom action used to remove the COM+ event subscriber and publisher used for UI notifications. We no longer use COM+ events for UI notifications.
Property(S): SmsSetLUAAccessPermissionsInit_ActionText = Does nothing but call SmsSetLUAAccessPermissions.
Property(S): SmsSetLUAAccessPermissions_ActionText = >Gets permission for evelation on Vista and grants each COM object permission.
Property(S): System64Folder.8AE6A59B_5597_4D75_9BFD_7F566BF56500 = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): SystemFolder.8AE6A59B_5597_4D75_9BFD_7F566BF56500 = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Property(S): SmsSoftwareDistributionCache.8AE6A59B_5597_4D75_9BFD_7F566BF56500 = C:\Windows\ccmcache
Property(S): Ngen = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\
Property(S): SmsStopUIComponents_ActionText = This custom action forces all open client UI components to stop and exit.
Property(S): SmsStopUserComponents_ActionText = This custom action forces all open client UI and SCNotification components to stop and exit.
Property(S): Ngen_ActionText = Calling NGEN.exe
Property(S): NgenInit_ActionText = Initializing NGEN.exe
Property(S): CCMRemoveCatalogSecuritySettings_ActionText = Remove Catalog certificates and Silverlight registry keys.
Property(S): CCMRemoveCatalogSecuritySettingsInit_ActionText = Queuing task to remove Catalog certificates and Silverlight registry keys.
Property(S): SoftwareCenterSubDir = Configuration Manager
Property(S): SoftwareCenterShortcutName = Software Center
Property(S): MicrosoftConfigurationManager = Microsoft System Center 2012
Property(S): SoftwareCenterSubDirBeta2 = Configuration Manager 2012
Property(S): MicrosoftConfigurationManagerBeta2 = Microsoft System Center
Property(S): SmsCheckNewRemoteTools_ActionText = Check if we should install the new version of remote tools. This applies to Windows XP and above clients only.
Property(S): SmsRemCtrlCleanupInit_ActionText = Retrives the ConfigMgr client installation directory from the MSI's Session object and the path to the Remote Control's resource dll. Gets the localized Remote Control Users group name from the resource
dll and then calls 'SmsRemCtrlCleanup' action with the group name.
Property(S): SmsRemCtrlCleanup_ActionText = This custom action gets the remote control group name, reverts the remote desktop settings, delete firewall rule and finally deletes the Remote Control user group.
Property(S): RemoveGPSettings_ActionText = Remove Group Policy settings for Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance on uninstallation.
Property(S): SmsRemoteControlRepairConfig_ActionText = Repair may require to start Remote Control Service if Remote Control is enalbed.
Property(S): RemCtrl.98C5B086_7EB0_422A_B0A8_674010F525CD = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\RemCtrl\
Property(S): System64Folder.98C5B086_7EB0_422A_B0A8_674010F525CD = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): SmsNewRemoteTools = 1
Property(S): SccmRemoteControl_FullEnabled.98C5B086_7EB0_422A_B0A8_674010F525CD = 0
Property(S): help.98C5B086_7EB0_422A_B0A8_674010F525CD = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\RemCtrl\help\
Property(S): SmsSHAUnregisterNAP_ActionText = Unregisters the SCCM System Health Agent from the windows Nap Agent.
Property(S): SmsRestoreWUAPolicyInit_ActionText = Queues SmsRestoreWUAPolicy action.
Property(S): SmsRestoreWUAPolicy_ActionText = Restores Windows Update Agent policy to its original state.
Property(S): CcmCleanClientJobsInit_ActionText = Preparing to clean up Configuration Manager Client update deployment jobs at uninstallation.
Property(S): CcmCleanClientJobs_ActionText = Clean up Configuration Manager Client update deployment jobs at uninstallation.
Property(S): System64Folder.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): PolicyDefinitions.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\
Property(S): PolicyDefinitionsENUS.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US\
Property(S): CIDownloader.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIDownloader\
Property(S): DigestStore.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIDownloader\DigestStore\
Property(S): Staging.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIDownloader\Staging\
Property(S): CIAgent.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIAgent\
Property(S): Temp.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIAgent\Temp\
Property(S): CIDefnDownloads.50F68C19_42FD_4094_A3C6_DF681B809B3A = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\CIAgent\Temp\CIDefnDownloads\
Property(S): SignedScripts.EDFC37A5_EC0F_4170_9D99_8A7F441C1017 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SignedScripts\
Property(S): SmsTSManagerStopServiceInit_ActionText = This calls the service control manager and queries the status of the TSManager service.
Property(S): SmsTSManagerStopService_ActionText = This calls the service control manager to STOP the TSManager service.
Property(S): SmsTSManagerStopServiceRollback_ActionText = Calls the Service Control Manager to start the TSManager service.
Property(S): SmsTSManagerStartService_ActionText = This calls the service control manager to START the TSManager service.
Property(S): WBEM.812B0603_EFD0_4199_8B2F_F17F6A0D5261 = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WBEM\
Property(S): System64Folder.4C5E03E8_F8E5_47CB_8FF4_E46FE34D35A6 = C:\Windows\system32\
Property(S): CcmEnableAppVIntegrationInit_ActionText = Preparing to enable Configuration Manager Client integration with App-V.
Property(S): CcmEnableAppVIntegration_ActionText = Enable Configuration Manager Client integration with App-V.
Property(S): CcmRollbackCcmEnableAppVIntegration_ActionText = Rollback the Configuration Manager Client integration with App-V.
Property(S): CcmDisableAppVIntegrationInit_ActionText = Preparing to disable Configuration Manager Client integration with App-V.
Property(S): CcmDisableAppVIntegration_ActionText = Disable Configuration Manager Client integration with App-V.
Property(S): SystemTemp.ADCD06E5_5B5C_476D_8F1B_BC9CAAFE4C54 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SystemTemp\
Property(S): AppVTempData.ADCD06E5_5B5C_476D_8F1B_BC9CAAFE4C54 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SystemTemp\AppVTempData\
Property(S): Packages.ADCD06E5_5B5C_476D_8F1B_BC9CAAFE4C54 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SystemTemp\AppVTempData\Packages\
Property(S): AppVCommandOutput.ADCD06E5_5B5C_476D_8F1B_BC9CAAFE4C54 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\SystemTemp\AppVTempData\AppVCommandOutput\
Property(S): CCM.FD3895C1_4398_4C8C_B697_EA56FAFF0C78 = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\CCM\
Property(S): SystemFolder.FD3895C1_4398_4C8C_B697_EA56FAFF0C78 = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\
Property(S): Res1033.0EACD2EE_412B_4985_9727_96BC217AABD8 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\1033\
Property(S): Res1033.754ED406_3093_4B9E_BD1B_3B4F9EEF31BA = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\1033\
Property(S): Res1033.6D67DFA7_9FBD_4680_8316_A664B7446743 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\1033\
Property(S): Res1033.3D94DDFA_E8E4_46D9_AB9C_B63F80D2077D = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\1033\
Property(S): Res1033.ED41C92B_FF46_43B2_8535_65F491146D68 = C:\Program Files\SMS_CCM\1033\
Property(S): MsiLogFileLocation = C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log
Property(S): ProductState = -1
Property(S): PackagecodeChanging = 1
Property(S): INSTALL = ALL
Property(S): CCMHTTPPORT = 80
Property(S): CCMHTTPSPORT = 443
Property(S): CCMHTTPSSTATE = 224
Property(S): CCMFIRSTCERT = 1
Property(S): SMSPUBLICROOTKEY = 0602000000A40000525341310008000001000100B7B00E4DBDBEBACA7DAF5EA66873964EB45B6AE3EEC9E3640ECAFA920A655C9DF5318E0B5C8F103CC26695F116A3561CF967BC69F9644000A4F41C4A582310DD33B96B7473DC98FB00B81F0B82A572E1AF