Properties of a table or SP
In SQL we use ALT+F1 to get the properties of the table or a SP, we also know about the primary and foreign key information.
How do we do this in Oracle.
I have a table name, but i am not able to get it properties in Oracle. I m not sure whether it a table or SP. I also want to know in which database it resides and what is its Schema
Kindly help me out.
November 30th, 2010 4:08am
Since this forum is for SQL Server related discussions, I doubt your queries for Oracle gets the due response here.
Pradeep Adiga
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November 30th, 2010 6:31am
You might find some joy here: you find this helpful, please mark the post as helpful,
If you think this solves the problem, please propose or mark it an an answer.
Please provide details on your SQL Server environment such as version and edition, also DDL statements for tables when posting T-SQL issues
Richard Douglas
My Blog: Http://
Twitter: @SQLRich
November 30th, 2010 6:45am