R3 Power Management enforcement
Is there anyway to enforce the power plans? I'm currently doing some testing and it appears the settings can be changed by a user and only reverts back to the power plan when it switches from peak to non-peak and vice versa. I was hoping it
would apply it once an hour or at every policy evaluation.
November 5th, 2010 4:33pm
I believe it will reapply during evaluation of policy but you cannot enforce it so that they cannot change it.Brandon Linton |http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/brandonlinton/default.aspx | MCTS - SCCM, MDT, AD
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November 17th, 2010 9:08pm
In Steve Rachui's Manageability blog at:
http://blogs.msdn.com/b/steverac/archive/2010/10/15/introducing-sccm-2007-r3.aspx he writes as follows:
"If we look at the Windows 7 client we see that the power policy that is in place indeed is coming from SCCM – and the user has the ability to change the plan settings. It’s a futile effort though as with every 24 hours (not every policy
cycle) we will just set power settings back to what we have configured for the collection."
I interpret this as all settings are reverted back to the SCCM defined power settings that are distributed, every 24 hours. But I can honestly say that I have not seen this refresh time anywhere else. Anyone who can confirm this 24 hour cycle?Regards Per Eriksson
January 29th, 2011 3:11pm