RCDC Event options
I'm trying to work with different events within RCDC for various objects. Is there an enum or list of all the possibilities anywhere? I looked at the schema, but it doesn't go into much detail about options for the Name or Handler fields.
I've seen a few options here and there, but they don't specify what they do - e.g. what OnLeaveDynamicMembership does, or what OnFilterEnabling does, and I've seen those used.
May 26th, 2011 11:39am
The handlers you're referring to are implemented in the code-behind for those specific RCDC's and hardly useful in any other way than how it's done OOB and that's the simple reason why their not documented - they're strictly private in the FIM code and to
find out what they do you'll have to peek into the code (Microsoft.ResourceManagement.dll).
There's no way at all to add your own handlers for RCDC's.
//HenrikHenrik Nilsson, ILM/FIM MVP Blog: http://www.idmcrisis.com Company: Cortego (http://www.cortego.se)
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May 26th, 2011 12:39pm
My original question was here (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ilm2/thread/85598184-3dd2-483a-9ec0-31d5913f4d15) but then I started thinking about what the Events really were, and how I could use them. So if I create my own Role
object that is similar to Set, which means I'm creating my own Configuration xml files, am I able to show/populate a preview list?
May 26th, 2011 1:06pm
My recommendation is that you try it out and see whats happening if you apply this to your own resource type. I'm almost 100% sure it's not supported so maybe you should consider having another solution or try to handle it without the handlers and rely on
workflow instead.
By the way, my guess is that it's mainly validation going on in the code behind...
//HenrikHenrik Nilsson, ILM/FIM MVP Blog: http://www.idmcrisis.com Company: Cortego (http://www.cortego.se)
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 27th, 2011 10:51am