Refresh field data from SP server


I'm new to InfoPath and all I did was to modify a form that belongs to a SharePoint List. One of the modifications I've made is to manually enter choices for a combo-box. After publishing it to the List, I realize that I'm missing more options to that choice field so I went back to the Site Columns (where the field resides) and updated it with the information I need.

The issue I'm facing now is that when I browse to the list and click on Customize Form on the Ribbon, after InfoPath opens I' missing the new values I've defined for the Site Column.

I didn't mess with data connections as I don't know how to use them and all I need is the form to pull data (refresh) from the SharePoint List the same way it did when I open the form for the first time in InfoPath, as the only way I can update that field right now is by edit the choice within InfoPath (that is what I'd like to avoid).

Any clue will be highly appreciated.

January 21st, 2014 9:49am

Hi  FerYo,

For refreshing field values in the InfoPath after you modify the field value in the UI, you can take steps as below:

  1. Open the form in the InfoPath.
  2. Click Refresh Fields under DATA tag.
  3. In the popup window, click Yes.

Best Regards,


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January 22nd, 2014 4:52am

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