Restrict Task Sequences per Site
I have about 10 different locations with local IT. All these locations have diffent apps they need installed, different local admin password, etc. I also have 2 task sequences (x86 and x64). That means I have 2x10=20 total task sequences the user could choose from. Is there a way to restrict what each location would see? I.E. - they would only see the 2 TS's for their location. If I cannot restrict through security, could I advertise the 2 respective TS's to "unknown computers" of that location only (possibly based on subnet)? How does everyone else do this? Thanks! xtiyu32n
November 1st, 2010 5:22pm

Hi xtiyu32n, Actually, you can customize your task sequences so that you only need one! Use conditions on task groups for instance the task sequence variable "DefautlGateway001" could be used to determite which LAN a client is on. Take a look at: and regards Tim Nilimaa IT Consultant at Mindgrape (Sweden) Please remember to mark this answer as helpful if it helped you.
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November 1st, 2010 5:31pm

I understand that, but I would have 1 giant task sequence with 50+ different possible applications, 10 different possible network settings, etc. I would be happy if I could just restrict what they can see. The other reason behind this is because we want the local IT to manage their own task sequences. If we have 1, we will have WAY too many cooks in the kitchen. Any ideas? xtiyu32n
November 1st, 2010 5:40pm

Then you will have to deploy each task sequence to different collections each with different clients in them. You can not deploy these to unknown systems thou. Further more you have to set specific rights for the admins in the console.Kind regards Tim Nilimaa IT Consultant at Mindgrape (Sweden) Please remember to mark this answer as helpful if it helped you.
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November 1st, 2010 5:43pm

This is what I am trying to accomplish - deploying to unknown computers. Is it possible to create new collections based on the unknown computer collection? Something like "unknown computers where IP subnet like x.x.x.x? xtiyu32n
November 1st, 2010 5:50pm

No you can not. This since collections are built upon discovery data and you can not discover data about unknown systems. For this to work you will have to create different SCCM Sites.Kind regards Tim Nilimaa IT Consultant at Mindgrape (Sweden) Please remember to mark this answer as helpful if it helped you.
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November 1st, 2010 6:06pm

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