SSRS Embedded Code Size Limit
Is anyone aware of a limit on the amount of embedded code in SSRS? I have a report that contains 10-12 functions with a total of around 700 lines and when I try to type code in the Code window, nothing happens. If I try to paste more than about 700 lines, the code is truncated and some of it is lost.
November 16th, 2010 1:39am

Possibly this is a limit of the text box itself, not the .rdl file. You could try pasting a portion into the text box, save the file, and then paste the remainder directly into the RDL as you will then be easily able to find it.
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November 16th, 2010 7:09am

I was having the same problem with code being truncated. I have 5 functions that total almost 900 lines. I've tried your suggestion but keep receiving the following error: Name cannot begin with the '>' character, hexadecimal value 0x3E. Line 8430, position 40. I'm certain there are no syntax errors in my code as I've written all of it in a Visual Studio VB.Net class. Any ideas? Thanks, Amedeo
August 10th, 2011 6:39am

The error I received was due to directly copying and pasting the code snippet into the RDL(XML) file and the portion of my code using "<>" interpreted as invalid xml element. I found this info on the following thread. You might want to warn people about "translation errors" before telling suggesting that someone simply copy and paste code into a RDL.
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August 10th, 2011 12:14pm

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