Script task gives me the Error..
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic
' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports System.Data.Odbc
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Public Class ScriptMain
' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
' To access the object model, use the Dts object. Connections, variables, events,
' and logging features are available as static members of the Dts class.
' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
' To open Code and Text Editor Help, press F1.
' To open Object Browser, press Ctrl+Alt+J.
Public Sub Main()
Dim OrCon As OracleConnection = Nothing
Dim OrCmd As OracleCommand
Dim selectstrSQL As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim da As OdbcDataAdapter = Nothing
Dim command As OdbcCommand = Nothing
Dim errorstr As Boolean = False
Using con As New OdbcConnection(Dts.Variables("gSourceConnection").Value.ToString())
'Connection opened
'Set Command object
command = New OdbcCommand("select Cust_Detail.ClientID,LegalEntity.LEGAL_NAME,LegalEntity.LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE,Cust_External.AliasID,Cust_Detail.FullCustomerName, Cust_Detail.TaxId ,LegalEntity.SSN, LegalEntity.MAIN_PHONE,LegalEntity.REG_ADDRESS_LINE1, LegalEntity.REG_ADDRESS_LINE2, LegalEntity.REG_ADDRESS_LINE3,LegalEntity.REG_CITY, LegalEntity.REG_STATE_CODE, LegalEntity.REG_PROVINCE, LegalEntity.REG_ZIP, LegalEntity.REG_COUNTRY_CODE,LegalEntity.MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1, LegalEntity.MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2,LegalEntity.MAIL_CITY,LegalEntity.MAIL_STATE_CODE, LegalEntity.MAIL_ZIP,LegalEntity.MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE,LegalEntity.LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE,Cust_Detail.StockTicker,LegalEntity.NAICS_CODE,LegalEntity.ASSET_SIZE,LegalEntity.WEB_ADDRESS,LegalEntity.REVENUE,LegalEntity.BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR,LegalEntity.BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME, Cust_External.SystemCode from Adaptiv.Cust_Detail Cust_Detail,Adaptiv.Cust_External Cust_External,GenericViews.LegalEntity LegalEntity where Cust_Detail.TAXID NOT IN ('999999999', '000000000' , '123456789') and LegalEntity.ClientId = Cust_External.CustomerID and Cust_External.CustomerID = Cust_Detail.ClientID and Cust_External.SystemCode in ('AFS','CLYPSO','ABLE','ILEASE','OPICS','CID')", con)
command.CommandTimeout = 900
da = New OdbcDataAdapter()
da.SelectCommand = command
da.Fill(ds, "Customers")
Catch ex As Exception
'Dts.Variables("ErrorMessage").Value = ex.Message
Dim vars As Variables
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("ErrorMessage", vars)
'vars(0).Value = " Error While retiving the data from SCI"
vars(0).Value = "Error While retiving the data from SCI, Error Message::" & (ex.Message)
errorstr = True
End Try
End Using
If errorstr.Equals(False) Then
Dim recordcount As Int32 = Nothing
If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
recordcount = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
End If
Dim sci_id As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim LEGAL_NAME As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim ALIASID As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim FULL_CUSTOMER_NAME As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim TAX_ID As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim SSN As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIN_PHONE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_ADDRESS_LINE1 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_ADDRESS_LINE2 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_ADDRESS_LINE3 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_CITY As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_STATE_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_PROVINCE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_ZIP As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REG_COUNTRY_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
'Dim MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3 As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_CITY As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_STATE_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
'Dim MAIL_PROVINCE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_ZIP As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim STOCK_TICKER As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim NAICS_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim ASSET_SIZE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim WEB_ADDRESS As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim REVENUE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
'Dim REVENUE_AS_OF As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim WF_LEGAL_ENTITY_INDICATOR As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim SYSTEM_CODE As String() = New String(recordcount - 1) {}
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each row As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
sci_id(i) = row("ClientID").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
LEGAL_NAME(i) = row("LEGAL_NAME").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE(i) = row("LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
ALIASID(i) = row("AliasID").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
FULL_CUSTOMER_NAME(i) = row("FullCustomerName").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
TAX_ID(i) = row("TaxId").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
SSN(i) = row("SSN").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIN_PHONE(i) = row("MAIN_PHONE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_ADDRESS_LINE1(i) = row("REG_ADDRESS_LINE1").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_ADDRESS_LINE2(i) = row("REG_ADDRESS_LINE2").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_ADDRESS_LINE3(i) = row("REG_ADDRESS_LINE3").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_CITY(i) = row("REG_CITY").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_STATE_CODE(i) = row("REG_STATE_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_PROVINCE(i) = row("REG_PROVINCE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_ZIP(i) = row("REG_ZIP").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REG_COUNTRY_CODE(i) = row("REG_COUNTRY_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1(i) = row("MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2(i) = row("MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
'MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3(i) = row("MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_CITY(i) = row("MAIL_CITY").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_STATE_CODE(i) = row("MAIL_STATE_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
'MAIL_PROVINCE(i) = row("MAIL_PROVINCE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_ZIP(i) = row("MAIL_ZIP").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE(i) = row("MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE(i) = row("LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
STOCK_TICKER(i) = row("StockTicker").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
NAICS_CODE(i) = row("NAICS_CODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
ASSET_SIZE(i) = row("ASSET_SIZE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
WEB_ADDRESS(i) = row("WEB_ADDRESS").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
REVENUE(i) = row("REVENUE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
'REVENUE_AS_OF(i) = String.Format("{0:dd-MMM-yyyy hh:mm:ss}", Convert.ToDateTime(row("REVENUE_AS_OF").ToString().Replace("'", "''")))
BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR(i) = row("BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME(i) = row("BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
SYSTEM_CODE(i) = row("SYSTEMCODE").ToString().Replace("'", "''")
i += 1
Dts.Variables("gRowProcessed").Value = i.ToString()
Dim orcCommand As OracleCommand = Nothing
OrCon = New OracleConnection(Dts.Variables("gDestinationConnection").Value.ToString())
'Dim OrCon As New OleDbConnection(Dts.Variables("gDestinationConnection").Value.ToString())
orcCommand = OrCon.CreateCommand()
orcCommand.CommandTimeout = 900
orcCommand.CommandText = strSQL
orcCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
orcCommand.BindByName = True
orcCommand.ArrayBindCount = recordcount
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":sci_id", OracleDbType.Varchar2, sci_id, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":LEGAL_NAME", OracleDbType.Varchar2, LEGAL_NAME, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, LEGAL_BUS_TYPE_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":ALIASID", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ALIASID, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":FULL_CUSTOMER_NAME", OracleDbType.Varchar2, FULL_CUSTOMER_NAME, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":TAX_ID", OracleDbType.Varchar2, TAX_ID, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":SSN", OracleDbType.Varchar2, SSN, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIN_PHONE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIN_PHONE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_ADDRESS_LINE1", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_ADDRESS_LINE1, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_ADDRESS_LINE2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_ADDRESS_LINE2, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_ADDRESS_LINE3", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_ADDRESS_LINE3, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_CITY", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_CITY, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_STATE_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_STATE_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_PROVINCE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_PROVINCE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_ZIP", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_ZIP, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REG_COUNTRY_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REG_COUNTRY_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE1, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE2, ParameterDirection.Input)
'orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE3, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_CITY", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_CITY, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_STATE_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_STATE_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
'orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_PROVINCE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_PROVINCE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_ZIP", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_ZIP, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, LEGAL_STRUCTURE_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":STOCK_TICKER", OracleDbType.Varchar2, STOCK_TICKER, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":NAICS_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, NAICS_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":ASSET_SIZE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, ASSET_SIZE, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":WEB_ADDRESS", OracleDbType.Varchar2, WEB_ADDRESS, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REVENUE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, REVENUE, ParameterDirection.Input)
'orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":REVENUE_AS_OF", OracleDbType.TimeStamp, REVENUE_AS_OF, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR", OracleDbType.Varchar2, BRANCH_SITE_INDICATOR, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME", OracleDbType.Varchar2, BRANCH_LOCATION_NAME, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":WF_LEGAL_ENTITY_INDICATOR", OracleDbType.Varchar2, WF_LEGAL_ENTITY_INDICATOR, ParameterDirection.Input)
orcCommand.Parameters.Add(":SYSTEM_CODE", OracleDbType.Varchar2, SYSTEM_CODE, ParameterDirection.Input)
Catch e As Exception
'Dts.Variables("ErrorMessage").Value = e.Message
Dim vars As Variables
Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("ErrorMessage", vars)
vars(0).Value = "Error While inserting data into CV, Error Message::" & e.Message
errorstr = True
' Call Close when done reading.
If Not (OrCon.State = ConnectionState.Open Or OrCon.State = ConnectionState.Executing Or OrCon.State = ConnectionState.Connecting Or OrCon.State = ConnectionState.Fetching) Then
End If
End Try
End If
If errorstr = True Then
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End If
End Sub
End Class
This is the VB code which was written in a Script TASK.
And i have 2 million records to insert.So while Running i was getting this Error message and this failing at
ERROR message:
”Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program”
So how can i handle this..
i want to Commit 10k records every time so i guess this memory issue will be solved.
Any ways i need help in Writing this Commit Statement inside my code..
How& where can write the commit statement in
May 6th, 2011 6:45pm
You are doing this completely wrong. This is like using a hammer to cut a piece of plywood, and asking why it takes so long and why the edges are all splintered and broken.
You need to use a Data Flow Task with an OLE DB Source and OLE DB Destination. You may need some transforms like Derived Column in the middle, but looking over your code, I doubt it. This is quite simple.
You may want to try to use the Import/Export Wizard to define the transfer, then save those instructions as an SSIS package. You'll see it uses the Data Flow Task.
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May 6th, 2011 8:25pm
1) Looks like, you are trying to implement the same .NET development in SSIS which might not be successful all the time.
2) Look for alternatives in SSIS for this, here it is data flow task.
Happy to help! Please mark the post as an answer if I helped you to resolve the issue or vote up if I helped you.Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak.
May 7th, 2011 6:27pm
why not you try with Todd's suggestion (Use DFT).
Have you checked whether it's caused by there's no enough physical memory?
is there any process consumes lots of memory during the deployment?
Let us TRY this |
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May 8th, 2011 10:10am
i tried by Data Flow Task..
while using Composite driver as Source Connection.When i run the Package..
All the Rows are loading to Desination with NULL Values.(I have 20,000 records in source the Destination is loading 20,000 recods with null values..)
Is this any BUG related to Composite Driver...Or How i can i fix this..
May 8th, 2011 4:44pm
1) I am really not sure what this composite driver is , but if it is one of the sources that are used in the Data flow task, certainly this issue can be resolved.
Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 8th, 2011 4:49pm
I also have no idea what a Composite driver is.
But you should
attach a Data Viewer to the output of the Source component. That will allow you to see what form the data is in as it's extracted from the source system. If it's NULLs, then you know the problem is "upstream" with the driver/source database.
If it isn't NULLs, then the problem is "downstream" with your other transformations and/or destination configuration.
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May 9th, 2011 1:45pm