OK, let me amend my statement a bit.
Found this article: http:// social.msdn.microsoft.com /Forums/sqlserver/en-US/5b9de028-5b6a-47c7-8da8-793d1a78df55/error-with-sql-server-2012-rswebpartscab-for-sharepoint-2010
Mind you, I was able to get the SQL Server 2012 version of RSWebParts.cab to install successfully on the SharePoint 2010 dev box in the environment, but figured that trying the SQL Server 2008 R2 version of RSWebParts.cab was worth a shot. It worked
(or at least it installed and I am able to add the web parts to pages). Will post an update once I am able to test full web part functionality with an SSRS Native Mode server.
So, what I can say from my testing:
- SQL Server 2012 version of RSWebParts.cab works (installs) for a SharePoint 2010 installation but not for a SharePoint 2013 installation.
- SQL Server 2008 R2 version of RSWebParts.cab works (installs) for a SharePoint 2010 installation and for a SharePoint 2013 installation.
- There is no update to RSWebParts.cab in SQL Server 2012 SP1 (at all, not in any part of it including the Reporting Services Add-In), the file is always 10/20/2012.
So, as long as you are trying to integrate a SQL Server 2008 R2 SSRS Native Mode instance or lower on your SharePoint 2013 farm, there is a solution. However, it will likely not work against a SQL Server 2012 SSRS Native Mode installation.
So, the amended statement is that:
"The bottom line is that it *appears* that there currently is no supported version of the Native Mode (2.0) version web parts for SQL Server Reporting Services2012
(RSWebParts.cab) for SharePoint 2013. Therefore, there is currently no way to integrate SharePoint 2013 with a SQL Server Reporting Services
2012 instance running in native mode."
And, no, none of this really makes any sense in the least but that is what my testing shows.
Edited by
Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:09 PM
Marked as answer by
Greg Deckler (Quick Solutions)
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 6:09 PM