This may be a stupid post, but unfortunately I've never used SharePoint designer or created a workflow before.
I've started to create a very simple approval workflow for a consumables request page. The idea is that a staff member requests a consumable they want purchased, then the people authorised to approve or reject a purchase get an e-mail.
The approver then has a view set up which shows them items for approval/rejection. When they approve or reject the item I want SharePoint to e-mail the user that created the request to advise them.
At the moment I only have the first part working, it will notify the approver when a request is submitted. I'm sure the solution is simple, any tips would be appreciated!
If Current Item:Approval Status equals 2;#Pending
Email <User>
Else if Current Item:Approval Status equals 0;#Approved
Email Current Item:Created By
Else if Current Item:Approval Status equals 1;#Rejected
Email Current Item:Created By