I have a strange issue with my compliance report. I have a SCCM2012 setup, where around 10% of all my servers are reporting non-compliant. all servers are using the same Software Update Point and have the same site code assinged. when i'm digging into to the report i can see that it's claiming that some updates are missing, but when i check the server i can see that the updates actually are installed, the problem is not related to a specific update but i see it with all kind of updates, ALSO SOME UPDATES WICH AREN'T DEPLOYED/DOWNLOADED NOR ADDED TO A SOFTWARE UPDATE GROUP... When i check the State Message report i can see that the clients have reportet within 24 hours, i tried to do this http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmgrsum/thread/5519635d-8673-4b92-8a4d-3b59e01c57b6what Kent A writes, with the result that it moves the client to scan state unknown and later moves it back to the non-compliant group :(