Some SCCM clients not receiving WOL packects
We are beginning to implement WOL with SCCm and we are running into problems with some clients not receiving a magic packet to wake them up prior to the advertisment. The server is on a different subnet than the client and subnet directed broadcasts
are enabled. In some cases we have complete success and in others only a portion of the clients in a particular collection wake up. We have had a network monitor on the subnet in question that has failed the most and we only see three magic packets appearing
for three clients. These clients do wake up so I want to see if they are actually being sent from the server itself to the entire collection. Hardware Inventory information appears to be correct for all stations in the collection and correspond to DNS and
DHCP entries.
Can anyone tell me which log I can use to actually view the wakeup packages being sent from the server. I have tried the wolmgr.log and wolcmgr.log but they do not show any info as to whether a particular station has had a magic packet generated for
it by SCCM. I do see that it is processing jobst and that they have been attempted three times as per the wol settings on the server with a 3 minute offset.
November 25th, 2010 4:14pm