Task sequencer failed on clusters
I am using TS extensively in our environment and all works very well. However, I am having some issues using it with some of my clusters.
I wrote a very simple TS for the clusters to simply 'Install Software Updates'. Nothing else, no reboots, no other apps.
Looking through the logs and reports it reports that the Software Updates 'The Task Sequence execution completed successfully' - Install Software Updated exit code 0. I assumed that would be it as I only had 1 task.
However, there are then subsequent error in the logs stating 'The task sequence engine failed execution of a task sequence.The operating system reported an error of -2147467259 and SCCM reports the TS failed
Checking the machine direct it states the WSUS updates were installed after all.
Any reason why this is? I only see this on cluster nodes within our environment.
May 19th, 2011 5:31am