We currently have SCOM 2007 R2 RTM implemented in our domian (With 1 RMS , 1 Managemnet Group , remote OpsMgrDB and DW ) .
Is there any way we can Build another Managemnet group in the same domain (preferably SCOM 2007 R2 CU4 One ( Differnet managemnet group name , 1 RMS , Remote SQL for BD and DW) and then Slowly over time migrate all our agents from one old Managemnet group
to the new Ones.
I checked there is some concept called Multruihomed , where in an agent can simultaneously talk to 2 Managemnet Groups. Any Advise for the transition.. We will be planning it in phases .. and just have around 200 Agents ..
May 26th, 2011 3:43am
Yes - there is no problem doing this. You can either multi-home the agents so that they communicate with both management groups during the transition or you could uninstall the agent from the old MG and then install from new MG if you don't need the agents
reporting to both management groups.
What you might find with muli-homing is that when you push the agent from the new managemetn group it is slow to go monitored:
Once all agents have been migrated (and you have removed them) from the old management group, you can then decommission the old SCOM RMS \ databases.
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May 26th, 2011 4:19am