USMT 4.0 Offline using SMP
Hello everyone, I understand how we can use the offline feature of USMT 4.0 which is very helpful in a wipe and load or PC Refresh.
However, what happens in the scenario that the OS is not bootable and I want to do a PC replace instead of re-using the existing computer. All of the offline directions for USMT indicate that I'm writing to a local folder for the Offline USMT files.
Is it possible to use a State Migration Point / Computer association, to capture the data off an essentially dead XP/7 machine, and restore the data to a fresh computer in the event that the OS is not bootable? What would be the change in process?
I haven't tested it yet, but would this be an appropriate plan of action:
Create computer association PXEBoot the computer Set the System Drive Variable Use the SCCM "Request State Store" TS Step Capture User State TS Step Release User State Storage TS Step Power off computer. Spin up the new computer Image the computer Restore User State
Would that process work?
October 29th, 2010 2:13pm
The easiest way is to use a Client Replace Task Sequence. It will create the computer association for you and store your data on the SMP.Brandon Linton | | MCTS - SCCM, MDT, AD
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November 17th, 2010 9:43pm