Update user account in SharePoint
I need to update an account in SharePoint. We changed the domain four years ago and there is still some old accounts names in the site collections. I want to supress these old account so only accounts from the new domain will be accessible (eg. "People &
Group" fields). The problem is that there is still documents that have been created and modified by these old account and I want to keep this information to update with the new account value. -> olddomain\john to newdomain\john
I tried the stsadm -o migrateuser and it seemed to work but now all references to the new domain account have disapeared : "newdomain\jdoe" displayed instead of "Doe, John".
The old account had the domain "mydomain" and the new one keep the same user name but with the new domain "my-domain". -> olddomain\user and newdomain\user.
Is there a better way to "merge" both users? I want to remove oldomain\john and keep newdomain\john and I need to keep all references with the old user.
May 19th, 2011 10:06am