Using Microsoft.UpdateServices.ClientSer vicing apis on windows operating systems.

I am willing to use some apis from "Microsoft Update Services", but MSDN says that ,
`This namespace is used in combination with the Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration namespace to support updates for clients using operating systems other than Windows (for example, the Windows Mobile operating system).`

Does that mean that i cannot use the apis on windows Operating systems (eg. Desktop OS)

Suraj K.
January 20th, 2014 1:59am

There are two namespaces in the WSUS API:

Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration - which is used to manage the WSUS server

Microsoft.UpdateServices.ClientServicing - which (as you've noted) is designed to support custom written agents on systems other than Microsoft Windows -- a facility mostly pointless since the SDP schema used to package updates only supports Microsoft Windows executable file formats -- but theoretically it could have been used to support a Windows Mobile 6.x agent, or could even be used to support a Windows RT agent (if only the RT executables could be packaged into a WSUS package).

If you want to leverage existing Windows systems (i.e. the Desktop OS) talking to existing Microsoft patch management systems (e.g. AU, WU, MU, or WSUS), you'll actually need to write to the Windows Update Agent API which is a COM interface.

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January 20th, 2014 4:45pm

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