Validation error - parent/child package
I have a parent package that calls a child package. I ran the child package and all task were successful. But when I execute the parent package, it false on the child call with the following message:
Error: Error 0xC0012050 while preparing to load the package. Package failed validation from the ExecutePackage task. The package cannot run.
I have the Delay validation set to true on the parent package - task that executes the child package and in the child package, the delay validation is set to false.
I believe it must be some other settings from the parent package that is causing this error.
thanks for your help.
May 24th, 2011 2:38pm
See if this post answers your question: My Blog
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May 24th, 2011 2:50pm
Hope this helps
Validation is the process of ensuring the package will execute successfully during runtime given its current property settings. It raises warnings or errors alerting of any potential or real problems with the package during execution. There are two types
of validation, Design-time and Run-time validation, each having a further two validation sub-types: package level and component level validation.
Setting the DelayValidation property to TRUE is required in the case of Task2 being dependent on prior execution of Task1. For example, Task1 creates a table and Task2 uploads data into the table created by Task1. If the DelayValidation property of Task2
isn’t set to TRUE, the execution of the package will fail because of validation error as follows.
May 24th, 2011 3:43pm