WSUS/SUP - Remote or Local
What is the recommendations about SUP/WSUS?
There is differences between remote or local wsus ? (besides hardware requerements)
[]s Eduardo Leal
November 12th, 2010 8:48am
It's really all about scale, just like with moving any other ConfigMgr role to a separate system.
Each instance of WSUS 3.0 sp2 can support up to 100,000 clients (if they're not budened by other activities). There's no hard number on when you should or shouldn't separate WSUS from the primary site server as it will be based on many factors. If you start
pushing 5,000+ (IMO) you should start considering it though.Jason | | | Twitter @JasonSandys
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November 12th, 2010 10:36am
I will agree with Jason. Personally I have many sites with 1.000 computers (or fewer) running a WSUS on the site server without any problems.Kent Agerlund | | The Danish community for System Center products
November 12th, 2010 12:35pm