backup removal on WSS 3.0 (Windows Server 2008)
Hello: If this is not the appropriate forum for this, then please give me a link to one that is. Anyway, here's my concern. The Windows Server 2008 scheduled task for removing Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 backups every 7 days is not working. I can tell, because the backup folder that I created as a domain administrator at \\ora-fs01\SharePointBackup still has backups dating back to October 25. Upon noticing this, I ran the task manually and Task Scheduler says that it ran successfully. Once again, though, the same number of backup files are there. I tried to run the program from a command prompt and DOS tells me that it cannot find the path to the .vbs script that I created for removing these backups. What’s interesting is that, before trying to run this in DOS, I told DOS to change directory to the D drive. It refused access to me to any drive except for C. Could that be the issue? Here is the “full path” of what needs to run: C:\Windows\System32\Cscript.exe D:\SharePointBackUpRemoval\BackupCleanUp.vbs 7 \\ora-fs01\SharePointBackup. Below is the code. I am an administrator with all privileges therewith. Thanks! John ' Title: BackupCleanUp ' Description: Deletes SharePoint 2007 backups older than a specified ' number of days and removes them from the backup history. Dim nNumberOfDays Dim strTOCFile Dim dtDeleteDate Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objLog = objFS.OpenTextFile("BackupCleanUp.log",8,true) ' Validate Command Line Arguments and Initialize Data If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then If IsNumeric(WScript.Arguments(0)) Then nNumberOfDays = CInt(WScript.Arguments(0)) dtDeleteDate = DateAdd("d",nNumberOfDays*-1,Now) Else WScript.Echo "7 must be an integer value." End If strTOCFile = WScript.Arguments(1) Else WScript.Echo "Usage: BackupCleanUp 7 \\ora-fs01\sharepointbackup" WScript.Quit End If objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Start: Clean up backups older than " &nNumberOfDays& " days from " &strTOCFile& ".") ' Load SharePoint Backup and Restore TOC File objXML.Async = false objXML.Load(strTOCFile) If objXML.ParseError.ErrorCode <> 0 Then objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Error: Could not load the SharePoint Backup / Restore History." &vbCrLf&_ Now() &vbTab& "Reason: " &objXML.ParseError.Reason& ".") WScript.Quit End If ' Delete Backup Nodes Older Than Deletion Date For Each objNode in objXML.DocumentElement.ChildNodes If CDate(objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPFinishTime").Text) < dtDeleteDate Then If objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPIsBackup").Text = "True" Then objFS.DeleteFolder(objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPBackupDirectory").Text) objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Deleted: " &objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPBackupDirectory").Text& ".") objXML.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(objNode) End If End If Next ' Save XML File With Old Nodes Removed objXML.Save(strTOCFile) objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Finish: Completed backup clean up.")
November 5th, 2010 10:31am

Do you have the correct permissions on the share to delete? Is UAC enabled on the server: Are you able to navigate to D:\ and get the script to run successfully in an elevated command prompt? (right-click runas admin)
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November 7th, 2010 10:45am

Do you have the correct permissions on the share to delete? Is UAC enabled on the server: Are you able to navigate to D:\ and get the script to run successfully in an elevated command prompt? (right-click runas admin)
November 7th, 2010 10:45am

Do you have the correct permissions on the share to delete? Is UAC enabled on the server: Are you able to navigate to D:\ and get the script to run successfully in an elevated command prompt? (right-click runas admin)
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
November 7th, 2010 10:45am

Yes, on your first question. No, on your second question. No, on your third question. When I run it, I get "msxml3.dll access is denied".
November 7th, 2010 1:47pm

Here's the answer. The xml code file that is created automatically was wrong. Once updated, the backup removal task ran successfully. Here is the good code: Scroll all the way to the bottom, way way down, to see the solution (code below) With boolDelete=False, it only logs what it WOULD delete. Once it looks OK, change boolDelete=True, it will actually delete old backup files and modify the xml file that lists the backups. ' Title: BackupCleanUp ' Description: Deletes SharePoint 2007 backups older than a specified ' number of days and removes them from the backup history. Dim nNumberOfDays Dim strTOCFile Dim dtDeleteDate Dim boolDelete boolDelete = False Set objXML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objLog = objFS.OpenTextFile("BackupCleanUp.log",8,true) ' Validate Command Line Arguments and Initialize Data If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 Then If IsNumeric(WScript.Arguments(0)) Then nNumberOfDays = CInt(WScript.Arguments(0)) dtDeleteDate = DateAdd("d",nNumberOfDays*-1,Now) Else WScript.Echo "<NumberOfDays> must be an integer value." End If strTOCFile = WScript.Arguments(1) Else WScript.Echo "Usage: BackupCleanUp <NumberOfDays> <PathToTOC>" WScript.Quit End If objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Start: Clean up backups older than " &nNumberOfDays& " days from " &strTOCFile& ".") ' Load SharePoint Backup and Restore TOC File objXML.Async = false objXML.Load(strTOCFile) If objXML.ParseError.ErrorCode <> 0 Then objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Error: Could not load the SharePoint Backup / Restore History." &vbCrLf&_ Now() &vbTab& "Reason: " &objXML.ParseError.Reason& ".") WScript.Quit End If ' Delete Backup Nodes Older Than Deletion Date For Each objNode in objXML.DocumentElement.ChildNodes Set objSPFinishTimeNode = Nothing Set objSPFinishTimeNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPFinishTime") If Not objSPFinishTimeNode Is Nothing Then If CDate(objSPFinishTimeNode.Text) < dtDeleteDate Then Set objSPIsBackupNode = Nothing Set objSPIsBackupNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPIsBackup") If Not objSPIsBackupNode Is Nothing Then If objSPIsBackupNode.Text = "True" Then Set objSPBackupDirectoryNode = Nothing Set objSPBackupDirectoryNode = objNode.SelectSingleNode("SPBackupDirectory") If Not objSPBackupDirectoryNode Is Nothing Then If boolDelete = True Then If objFS.FolderExists(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text) Then If Right(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text, 1) = "." Then strDirectory = Left(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text, Len(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text) - 1) Else strDirectory = objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text End If If Right(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text, 1) = "\" Then strDirectory = Left(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text, Len(objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text) - 1) End If On Error Resume Next objFS.DeleteFolder(strDirectory) If Err.Number = 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "Deleted: " & strDirectory & ".") objXML.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(objNode) Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "Error deleting " & strDirectory & ". " & Err.Description) Err.Clear On Error GoTo 0 End If Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "Path in SPBackupDirectoryNode could not be found: " & strDirectory & ".") End If Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "Would Delete: " & objSPBackupDirectoryNode.Text & ".") End If Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "SPBackupDirectory node not found.") End If End If Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "SPIsBackup node not found.") End If End If Else objLog.WriteLine(Now() & vbTab & "SPFinishTime node not found.") End If Next ' Save XML File With Old Nodes Removed objXML.Save(strTOCFile) objLog.WriteLine(Now() &vbTab& "Finish: Completed backup clean up.")
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November 9th, 2010 4:20pm

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