checksum task vs t-sql checksum
do you have to store the checksum from the task in order to verify change? Here is what I did and it seems it's not going to workLookup transformationthat
selects matching fields and returns a t-sql with the binary_checksum(fields)
Checksum transformation returns the checksum of same inbound fields
conditional split passes on changed records to the update
getting all the records everytime and should not be happening.
is there a way to make this work or do I have to store the checksum
February 29th, 2008 4:31pm
Just as a disclaimer, I have not personally validated this information, but based on what I have seen and what you are describing, I am pretty confident in saying it anyway.
The Checksum component and the BINARY_CHECKSUM T-SQL function use different checksum calculations, so you cannot use them together in the way you seem to want to do. You need to either store the checksum or if you'reextractingdata from SQL Server you may be able toSELECT the BINARY_CHECKSUMof the source fields as part of your query.
Good luck!
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February 29th, 2008 9:05pm
You might want to store the checksum in any case. That way, you don't have to recalculate it each time. When I use checksums (which isn't very often, honestly) I typically store the calculated checksum on the destination table.
February 29th, 2008 11:36pm
The transformation does not match either of the T-SQL functions. That is documented on the site, but I did add it just now
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March 1st, 2008 10:21am
thanks for the update - now I need to make a decision on how to handle the data
March 3rd, 2008 8:43am
A follow up on this question -
Is there a way to do a checksum out of the full result set of a sql query? Not row by row but the whole set of rows. This would be used to as a hash on data extracts to be sent to consumers where they can recalculate the hash/checksum to determine
if data inside the file has changed
Take These Rows
#FirstName, #LastName, Telephone
Rigo, Valdez, 3123-123-123
Carlos, Smith, 123-123-1234
Feed them to MD5 / checksum -
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November 14th, 2012 10:32am