how to keep both file when paste
hi to  every one

I would like to know how to keep both files have the same name when I copy one of them to the other folder , since I have tow options only : replace or skip !!!!!!!!!! in windows 8   

October 19th, 2013 2:17am

You should have another option like keep both or if not, you could rename the one of the file and then copy and paste it. For example if both are File and File, you could rename one to File1 and another would be file.
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October 19th, 2013 5:05am

I suspect that that's how it is supposed to be, Cyber_Defend_Team. However, I can confirm that in Windows 8.1, when I attempt to Copy and Paste files, like from my camera's SD card which starts it's numbering system at 0 each time, to my photo folder, I only have the following options:

Replace the file in the destination

Skip this file

Compare info for both files

Now, when I choose the Compare info for both files option, I get a secondary dialogue which shows me a thumbnail of both pictures and has a checkbox for each one in two columns (there is also a checkbox at the top of each column for multiple photos to select all in a given column). I'm given only two buttons on this screen, Continue and Cancel. 

As such, Lany Zhang, I don't think that this question can be considered answered as it isn't. 

February 24th, 2014 2:39am

Okay... After a little more searching and actually reading the fine print on the copy dialogue, here's what I missed: 

If you select both files, the new file is appended with a number. A good explanation can be found here:

Sorry for not catching that at first. 

  • Proposed as answer by Dozer Taylor Monday, February 24, 2014 2:45 AM
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February 24th, 2014 2:44am

Why am I not able to see the option to compare both files when there is a conflict in pasting at the destination folder? I'm using Wondows 8.1.

The only options i see are -

1) Copy and Replace

2) Dont copy. 

Please advice!

April 5th, 2015 1:05am

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