SCCM 2007 operating system images I am not sure why we have to select install.wim file (from windows 7 enterprise X64 bit DVD). I believe for capturing image only point to source file like \\sccmname\windows7 folder someone help me its necessary to point instal
In SCCM 2007 I Always use the full media and use the Operating System Install Pack<ge step, in SCCM 2012 there are new features to support using the install.wim instead, like the OSDPReserveDriveLetter task sequence variable otherwise the installation will end up on D: nd not C:
So in SCCM 2007 I would use the full media instead of only the install.wim..
I am not clear CM 2007 why install is used what is advantage. if we use full media what will happen
Technically you use the full media to capture the image. if you use the install.wim that will apply the image to your D drive.
Once you have captured image, then use that captured image (Which will be a .wim file) to deploy using the task sequence.