loading data on weekly basis
Hello friends,
DECLARE @query varchar(50) DECLARE @query1 varchar(8) DECLARE @query2 varchar(30)
SET @query = 'SELECT * FROM CCMS_STAT..dbo.eCallByCallStat'
SET @query1 = cast(DATEPART(YYYY, GETDATE()) AS varchar(4)) + cast(DATEPART(M, GETDATE()) AS varchar(2)) + cast(DATEPART(D, GETDATE()) AS varchar(2))
SET @query2 = query + query1
EXEC sp_executeSQL @query2
Above query results 'SELECT * FROM CCMS_STAT..dbo.eCallByCallStat20110524'
am using this cammands in my oledb source as my table name changes dynamically..................by using this ll get the current date data but i need last six days data to load hw to achive this can anyone help regarding this in ssis.....................
May 24th, 2011 6:14am
Why don't you use CDC in SQL 2008 please visit here http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1755http://uk.linkedin.com/in/ramjaddu
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May 24th, 2011 6:31am
Hi Sandyzzz,
1) The best way is to frame the query in a script task and create a variable to store sql command.
2)Use the command varaible in OLEDB source.
3)USe a for loop to loop over for the last 6 days , from getdate() - 6 to getdate() and for each date frame the sql string varaible and execute the data flow task.
Hope it is useful.Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak.
May 24th, 2011 6:59am
Use this code as data source
DECLARE @query varchar(50)
DECLARE @query1 varchar(8)
DECLARE @query2 varchar(8000)
SET @query = 'SELECT * FROM CCMS_STAT..dbo.eCallByCallStat'
SELECT @query2 = ''
Declare @CurrentDate Datetime
Declare @RunningDate DateTime
Declare @DateLoop int
SELECT @CurrentDate = GETDATE()
SELECT @DateLoop = 0
WHILE @DateLoop <= 6
IF @DateLoop = 0
SELECT @RunningDate = @CurrentDate
SELECT @RunningDate = DATEADD("D",(@dateloop*-1),@CurrentDate)
SET @query1 = cast(DATEPART(YYYY, @RunningDate) AS varchar(4)) + cast(DATEPART(M, @RunningDate) AS varchar(2)) + cast(DATEPART(D, @RunningDate) AS varchar(2))
SET @query2 = @query2 + @query + @query1 + ' UNION ALL ' + CHAR(10)
Select @DateLoop = @DateLoop + 1
SELECT @Query2 = SUBSTRING( @Query2,1,LEN( @Query2)-11)
EXEC sp_executeSQL @query2
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May 24th, 2011 7:18am
Thank you Its working exactly as we expect ................
May 24th, 2011 7:50am