proc_listurls is suspending
Hi We are facing an issue wherein other document query processes are blocked by the invocation of dbo.proc_ListURLs storedproc in WSS_Content DB of share point. The procedure is called from IIS as part of a normal Sharepoint action .I presume in the procedure there is a conditional SELECT on the Docs table. This SELECT locks pages(which I feel) , which blocks every other page request for a period of 4 to 7 minutes(!). The block happens 7 or8 times a day, and is interfering with our customer service applications, which store purchase order info in Sharepoint. It has been suggested that we alter the SP to change the transaction isolation, since it doesn't do any data manipulation.We have tried that by inserting 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED ' and SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED . But the problem of blocking access still exists. This is the env: MOSS 2007 SQL 2005 (no service pack 1 or 2) Windows Server 2003 There is each site for each state (We have 8 states) and each state has 20,000+ documents Pls suggest.
November 15th, 2007 10:38pm

This thread has nothing to do with Community advancement (see the definition of the Community advancement forum) but is an admin question. I'm transfering the thread to the Admin forum. Please in future post directly to that if you have a Admin question.Mike Walsh
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January 21st, 2008 3:12pm

Hi, We are also facing heavy blocking issue and stored procedure causing the blocking is proc_ListUrls. I did not see the isolation where it set to READ COMMITTED in this procedure. and where to mention SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED in the below procedure, if it solves the blocking issue Please advice me.. Thanks CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_ListUrls]( @DirSiteId uniqueidentifier, @DirWebId uniqueidentifier, @DirFullUrl nvarchar(260), @AttachmentsFlag tinyint, @ClientTimeStamp datetime, @FetchLinkInfo bit, @IncludeThicketDirs bit, @IncludeListItems bit, @UserId int) AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @DirDirName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @DirLeafName nvarchar(128) DECLARE @Level tinyint DECLARE @iRet int SET @iRet = 0 EXEC proc_SplitUrl @DirFullUrl, @DirDirName OUTPUT, @DirLeafName OUTPUT EXEC proc_GetLevel @DirSiteId, @DirDirName, @DirLeafName, @UserId, 1, @Level OUTPUT IF 0 = 1 BEGIN EXEC @iRet = proc_GetContainingListIfDirty @DirSiteId, @DirWebId, @DirFullUrl IF @iRet <> 0 RETURN @iRet END BEGIN TRAN EXEC proc_SecGetIndividualUrlSecurity @DirSiteId, @DirWebId, @DirFullUrl, @DirDirName, @DirLeafName, @UserId, @AttachmentsFlag, 0, 0, 0, 1, @Level SELECT dbo.fn_RoundDateToNearestSecond(GETUTCDATE()) IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Docs WHERE SiteId = @DirSiteId AND DirName = @DirDirName AND LeafName = @DirLeafName AND Level = @Level AND (Type = 1 OR Type = 2) AND WebId = @DirWebId ) BEGIN IF (3 <> 0 AND @@TRANCOUNT = 1) ROLLBACK TRAN ELSE COMMIT TRAN RETURN 3 END SELECT FullUrl FROM Webs WHERE ParentWebId = @DirWebId AND SiteId = @DirSiteId IF (NOT (DATALENGTH(@DirFullUrl) = 0)) BEGIN SELECT Docs.Id, CASE WHEN (DATALENGTH(Docs.DirName) = 0) THEN Docs.LeafName WHEN (DATALENGTH(Docs.LeafName) = 0) THEN Docs.DirName ELSE Docs.DirName + N'/' + Docs.LeafName END, Docs.Type, Docs.MetaInfoTimeLastModified, CASE WHEN (Docs.MetaInfoTimeLastModified <= @ClientTimeStamp AND Docs.Type = 0) THEN NULL ELSE Docs.MetaInfo END AS MetaInfo, Size, Docs.TimeCreated, Docs.TimeLastModified AS TimeLastModified, Docs.Version, Docs.DocFlags, Lists.tp_BaseType + Lists.tp_ServerTemplate * 256, N'{' + CAST(Lists.tp_ID AS nvarchar(36)) + N'}' AS tp_Name, CASE WHEN (Lists.tp_RootFolder = Docs.Id ) THEN Lists.tp_Title ELSE NULL END, NULL AS CacheParseId, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Docs.VirusStatus, Docs.VirusInfo, SetupPathVersion, SetupPath, SetupPathUser, Docs.NextToLastTimeModified, Docs.UIVersion, Docs.CheckinComment, Docs.WelcomePageUrl, Docs.WelcomePageParameters, Lists.tp_Flags, Perms.Acl, Perms.AnonymousPermMask, Docs.DraftOwnerId, Docs.Level, Docs.ParentVersion, Docs.TransformerId, Docs.ParentLeafName, Docs.ProgId, Docs.DoclibRowId, Lists.tp_DefaultWorkflowId, Docs.ListId FROM Docs INNER JOIN Perms ON Docs.SiteId = Perms.SiteId AND Docs.ScopeId = Perms.ScopeId LEFT OUTER JOIN Lists WITH(NOLOCK) ON Lists.tp_WebId = @DirWebId AND Docs.Type = 1 AND ( Lists.tp_RootFolder = Docs.Id OR Lists.tp_ID = Docs.ListId AND Docs.DoclibRowId IS NOT NULL) WHERE Docs.SiteId = @DirSiteId AND Docs.DirName = @DirDirName AND Docs.LeafName = @DirLeafName AND Docs.Level = @Level END IF @FetchLinkInfo = 1 BEGIN EXEC proc_GetLinkInfo @DirSiteId, @DirFullUrl, @ClientTimeStamp, @IncludeListItems, @UserId END SELECT Docs.Id, CASE WHEN (DATALENGTH(Docs.DirName) = 0) THEN Docs.LeafName WHEN (DATALENGTH(Docs.LeafName) = 0) THEN Docs.DirName ELSE Docs.DirName + N'/' + Docs.LeafName END, Docs.Type, Docs.MetaInfoTimeLastModified, CASE WHEN (Docs.MetaInfoTimeLastModified <= @ClientTimeStamp AND Docs.Type = 0) THEN NULL ELSE Docs.MetaInfo END AS MetaInfo, Size, Docs.TimeCreated, Docs.TimeLastModified, Docs.Version, Docs.DocFlags, Lists.tp_BaseType + Lists.tp_ServerTemplate * 256, N'{' + CAST(Lists.tp_ID AS nvarchar(36)) + N'}' AS tp_Name, CASE WHEN (Lists.tp_RootFolder = Docs.Id ) THEN Lists.tp_Title ELSE NULL END, NULL AS CacheParseId, NULL, NULL, UserInfo.tp_Login, Docs.CheckoutDate, CASE WHEN LTCheckoutUserId IS NULL THEN Docs.CheckoutExpires ELSE NULL END, Docs.VirusStatus, Docs.VirusInfo, SetupPathVersion, SetupPath, SetupPathUser, Docs.NextToLastTimeModified, Docs.UIVersion, Docs.CheckinComment, Docs.WelcomePageUrl, Docs.WelcomePageParameters, Lists.tp_Flags, Perms.Acl, Perms.AnonymousPermMask, Docs.DraftOwnerId, Docs.Level, Docs.ParentVersion, Docs.TransformerId, Docs.ParentLeafName, Docs.ProgId, Docs.DoclibRowId, Lists.tp_DefaultWorkflowId, Docs.ListId FROM Docs INNER JOIN Perms WITH (INDEX=Perms_Url) ON Docs.SiteId = Perms.SiteId AND Docs.ScopeId = Perms.ScopeId LEFT OUTER JOIN Lists WITH (NOLOCK) ON Lists.tp_WebId = @DirWebId AND Lists.tp_ID = Docs.ListId AND (Docs.Type = 1 AND Lists.tp_RootFolder = Docs.Id OR Docs.DoclibRowId IS NOT NULL) LEFT OUTER JOIN UserInfo ON Docs.CheckoutUserId = UserInfo.tp_Id AND Docs.SiteId = UserInfo.tp_SiteID WHERE Docs.SiteId = @DirSiteId AND Docs.DirName = @DirFullUrl AND ((Docs.Type = 0 AND (@IncludeListItems = 1 OR Docs.DocFlags & 2048 = 0 OR Docs.DocFlags & 256 = 256)) OR (Docs.Type <> 0 AND Docs.ThicketFlag IS NOT NULL AND (Docs.ThicketFlag = 0 OR Docs.ThicketFlag = @IncludeThicketDirs))) AND (Docs.Level = 255 AND Docs.LTCheckoutUserId = @UserId OR (Docs.Level = 1 OR Docs.Level = 2) AND (Docs.LTCheckoutUserId IS NULL OR Docs.LTCheckoutUserId <> @UserId)) ORDER BY Docs.Type, Docs.Id OPTION (FORCE ORDER) IF (0 <> 0 AND @@TRANCOUNT = 1) ROLLBACK TRAN ELSE COMMIT TRAN RETURN 0
May 21st, 2010 1:56am

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