sql issue for ssrs
I am putting together a ssrs for finance and am trying to use the following select in the sql window of the ssrs. If you look this over you will see that there is a dbo. This is a sql scalar function that returns the approver name. The parameter for it is the po number. The 45201 I hardcoded in to see if it does return a name. It does but it is the same name for all of the list. The return would be a list of the purchase orders with the 2 statuses. I tried using PO.PONumber inplace of the number but did not work. What I am wondering is how can I place the ponumber in there? It can be done when the report runs if needed. Thanks in advance for responding...John SELECT PO.PONumber AS [PO Number], PO.Date AS [PO Date], U.Fullname AS Requester, PO.Status, Cast(Sum(POI.Cost) AS DECIMAL(12,2)) AS Subtotal, (SELECT Fullname FROM Employees WHERE ID = dbo.POGetPrimaryApproverID(45201)) AS Approver FROM PurchaseOrders PO JOIN PurchaseOrderItems POI ON PO.PONumber = POI.PONumber JOIN POLimitGroupEmployees POLGE ON PO.UsedByID = POLGE.EmployeeID JOIN Users U ON POLGE.EmployeeID = U.ID WHERE PO.Status = 'Request Approval' OR PO.Status = 'Request Approval Sent' GROUP BY PO.PONumber, PO.Date, PO.Status, U.Fullname ORDER BY PO.PONumber
November 30th, 2010 2:32pm

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