I have a .net windows application which passes data to the webservice and uses the method 'render' to print directly without viewing, since we upgraded to ssrs2008 this doesnt work, i have tried various ways but so far i have not had any succes. If i enter
default variables into the report on the report server and use render from within the reportexecution2005.asmx it prints out but not in any format.
Original render
rs.Render(strReportPath, "IMAGE", Nothing, strDevInfo, prvX, Nothing,Nothing,
strEncoding, strMimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, strStreamIDs)where
prvx is the list of variables being passed
new render
rs.Render(format, strDevInfo, extension, strMimeType, strEncoding,
Nothing, strStreamIDs)
Any ideas?
November 4th, 2010 8:00am
Can you provide the error message if it does not work? From the code, its syntax is right and should work.
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November 7th, 2010 9:16pm
The error message is "server was unable to pocess request,---> Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml. The request failed with an empty repsonse.
My problem appears to be with the passing of parameters, in ssrs2008 im not entirely sure how to set them. If i use the"dim parameters(x) as endpoint.Parametervalue then explicitly enter the .name & .value the print works, but we are passing in an array
from a windows app, in ssrs2000 we just put the "array()" within the render, but that all seems to have changed.
November 9th, 2010 4:10am