to delete mventry record
Hi All
I have an scenario, where i will project a user from database and provisioned to AD.EmployeeID is anchor attribute for this MA.
Now same user details (firstname,lastname)but different employeeid comes from database and projected to metaverse,but while provisioning to AD,there should be a check to find out whether same user detail(firstname,last name) is present for some other user
in ACTIVE directory,if it is present then we have to change the employeeid in AD with this new employeeID and then we have to delete the earlier user record in metaverse.
Please help us to proceeed further
Thanks in Advance
November 9th, 2010 7:37am
I think you may need to think of some different approaches. Firstly, if the second person record is actually the same person then you shouldn't really be projecting it into the metaverse in the first place. Next, if the employeeid is something that can change
then it's not a very good anchor.
I'm guessing you have a similar situation to once of the projects I work with where the HR database has multiple employee records for inidvidual people. The way I've found around involves splitting the data into persons and contracts prior to import, a second
management agent, and lots of advanced flow rules. In this way I have a single person record in the metaverse for each person, but it can be linked to multiple contracts. I then use the advanced flow rules to figure out which is the best contract to flow data
from. I've also got the same system running in a university where indivuals can have multiple student and/or staff records.
I'll give you some more details if that sounds like it's similar to your environment.
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November 9th, 2010 8:02am