SSRS 2008 R2 - Custom Security Forms Authentication Cannot Load Type Problem
Hi All. I have SSRS configured using forms authentication (based on the Microsoft Custom Security Extension sample). If I navigate to the report manager directory, namely http://<my machine name>/Reports_SR8R2, then I get the login form and I am able to login directly to the server and see reports, etc. If I navigate to the ReportServer service, in my case http://<my machine name>/ReportServer_SR8R2, then I get the error: The report server encountered an unhandled exception in HttpApplication. (rsUnhandledHttpApplicationError) Get Online Help Could not load type 'Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.Logon'. Could not load type 'Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.Logon'. Could not load type 'Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.Logon'. where Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.Logon is the ASP.NET code behind class for the Login.aspx page that sits in \Reporting Services\ReportServer service directory. The custom security DLL's, including the code behind class are all located in the bin directory - \Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin. In the reportserver.config file I have the following entries: <Security> <Extension Name="Forms" Type="Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.CoreEngineAuthorizationExt, Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d051b89066c03445"> <Configuration> <AdminConfiguration> <UserName>admin</UserName> </AdminConfiguration> </Configuration> </Extension> </Security> <Authentication> <Extension Name="Forms" Type="Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.CoreEngineAuthenticationExt, Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d051b89066c03445"/> </Authentication> The assemblies are strong named, and the identifying information is the same as in the report manager config which seems to be able to pick them up fine. The problem is reproducible on my DEV machine. I've tried enabling the fusion log, but can't find an entry for a binding failure to the assembly above to see where it may be looking for the assembly. I've also tried hooking a VS2010 debugger to the ReportServerServce.exe, but can't get it to break into an exception. If I log into the report manager first, I can subsequently log into the ReportServerService with the same browser instance, which means it's passing through a forms authentication cookie. In the Logon.aspx code, there is the following: Inherits="Rvs.Framework.RsSecurity.Logon" Am I missing something else somewhere that lets the report server service know where the custom security components are? Cheers.
March 17th, 2011 6:36pm

Hi jeyles, Thank you for your question. I am trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to a further look at this issue. There might be some time delay. Appreciate your patience. Thank you for your understanding and support. Thanks, Jerry
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March 18th, 2011 5:45am

It would be helpful, if you can post rsreportserver.config and web.config files to the location where they can be downloaded from. Please, take look on this article: To configure a report server to use Custom authentication 1.Open RSReportServer.config in a text editor. 2.Find <Authentication>. 3.Copy the following XML structure: <Authentication> <AuthenticationTypes> <Custom /> </AuthenticationTypes> <EnableAuthPersistence>true</EnableAuthPersistence> </Authentication> 4.Paste it over the existing entries for <Authentication>. Note that you cannot use Custom with other authentication types. 5.Save the file. 6.Open the Web.config file for the report server. By default, it is located at \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer. 7.Find authentication mode and set it Forms. <authentication mode = "Forms" /> 8.Find identity impersonate and set it to False. <identity impersonate = "false" /> 9.Open the Web.config file for Report Manager. By default, it is located at \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportManager. 10.Find authentication mode and set it Forms. <authentication mode = "Forms" /> 11.Find identity impersonate and set it to False. <identity impersonate = "false" /> 12.Add the PassThroughCookies element structure to the configuration file. For more information, see Enabling Report Manager to Pass Custom Authentication Cookies. 13.Save the file. Based on the code you have posted, you are using this article as reference : It was written for SSRS 2000. HTH, Vlad.
March 18th, 2011 3:59pm

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