1024kb log files
I recently installed Exchange 2010 in a new domain. created a new databse and placed it on a 400Gb drive (our user count is 25). I was reviewing the server on Monday and noted that I had virtually no disk space left. After investogating
I found that the log file directory under my Mailbox drectory was cranking out 1Mb log files constantly, loading up the drive and killing performance. I can't review the files, althought they report as txt files, they appear to be more binary in nature.
I cleanded out the "garbage" so that I could get some perfomrance back. How do I veiw these files to determine the issue and how if at all can I stop these if it is "normal". I did not a setting for circular loggin when I was looking.
Throughly confused and would appreciate any help at all.
Steve Steinbeck
July 11th, 2012 12:32pm
This is normal.
These logfiles are transaction log files and you should not delete these manually.
A full backup by an Exchange aware backup program will purge the logs so I assume that you not performing a backup of your Exchange data.
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July 11th, 2012 12:40pm
Not yet... during the split of our company our backup solution died and I am waiting for a new drive. Thanks. I'll make the backup implementation a priority.
July 11th, 2012 12:49pm
If your drive is likely to fill up before you can get the backup going then you should enable circular logging to prevent the database from dismounting. This feature purges log files once the have been written to the database and is not normally recommended
for production use.
You can enable this by going to the properties of your database (in the Exchange Management Console -> Organisation Configuration -> Mailbox) and check the box on the Maintenance tab.
Remember to turn this off when your backups are ready otherwise your incrementals will fail.
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July 11th, 2012 2:58pm
Instead of deleting I would move the logs which aren't needed just in case you need to recover, if you delete them then you cant recover using the logs.Sukh
July 12th, 2012 1:04pm